Pat Brassington - A little waltz
Brassington is one of Australia's foremost photoartists. She has exhibited widely both in Australia and overseas for the past 20 years.
In her latest body of work, A little waltz, she continues to surprise and perplex the viewer with her image creations. Throughout her work, Brassington plays with the tensions between desire and repulsion, the strange and the familiar. In seemingly prosaic rooms, objects or actions become unsettling and ambiguous.
The physicality in her images is almost palpable. A pair of pointed pink limbs form an ecstatic point. A bare room with a striped carpet becomes the stage for a naked figure's undoing. The bodies she depicts are explicit, contorted, desiring and repulsive. Strange scenarios are played out in private and the viewer is placed in the position of voyeur. Brassington invites us to look at what it seems we shouldn't be seeing
As the title suggests, Brassington is not prone to overstatement. These are not grand dramas or histrionics. They are small moments, small thoughts, unspoken feelings. She exploits the ability of the photographic image to be both testament and fiction.